by Arthur Breur

When we moved into our floating home in 2017, the upstairs was very much like a loft: the master bedroom and the living area were connected over the top of the master bathroom.
We always joked that the original master bath was like a Las Vegas hotel room, with a hot tub right there in the room with us. We knew we wanted to change it to make the bathroom private and to use the space. Knowing it would be a big project, we held off on that renovation until other rooms were completed, and we finally started on demo in early 2020.

We had our contractor friend Simone build the walls and do the technical work, then we had other pros do the drywall. All the painting and finishing was done by Brian and me, though—INCLUDING building and installing the double-width barn door for in front of the slider!
As a final touch, I created an abstract painting to go over the bed, using the colors that we already were using for our decor.

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