
Protecting Your Website From Malware

Protecting Your Website From Malware

FireSpike's "battle cry" is "Create, Protect, Promote!" The second part of that battle cry refers to our providing maintenance and security for our clients' WordPress websites. WordPress is complex, and it is made even more so by its many "plugins". These custom...

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Think Differently About Updating Your website

For the 19-year anniversary (birthday?) of FireSpike, we decided to do a complete overhaul of our website. Admittedly our company website has always suffered from “Cobbler’s Kids” syndrome. (The saying is “The Cobbler’s Kids Have No Shoes”—meaning we often ignore...

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Website Contact Forms: Have Them, Use Them

Monthly Contact Form Tests Plus our new monthly drawing for HOMM Service Customers This Month’s Reading Selection Last month I listened to the audiobook version of The 1-Page Marketing Plan. I HIGHLY recommend this book to all of FireSpike’s customers, as it takes the...

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Blogging Tips for Your Business

Are You Writing a Good Blog Post? When it comes to marketing and driving people to your website, there are good and bad blog posts. A good blog post is going to include: A page title At least one picture An H1 header 3 paragraphs A call to action A link to your...

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Why Does Your Business Need a Blog?

Why Blogging as a Business is Successful A blog is a tool that adds a lot of value to your website. It isn't just a way to broadcast information. Yes, it updates your current customers on sales, new services or products; but it also drives new customers to your...

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Mobile Design

Mobile devices are everywhere. You could say they have officially taken over the world. A mobile device is classified as any device small enough to fit in your hand. There is not a place in the world you probably can't find one. Heck, I bet there is some guy in a lost...

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The Fundamentals of Troubleshooting

Web Programmers Tools & Experience To Fix Your Web Woes Things rarely work the way you want them. Even a well-planned website or software project will hiccup somewhere along the way. If to err is human, then I can promise you that everything we humans touch has...

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Tips for Your Web Safety

Tips for Your Web Safety Don't believe everything you read on the Internet (yes, this includes what I am writing now). While the Internet was originally dubbed the 'Information Super Highway', and while it is most certainly one of the greatest resources in the world...

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Prevention for Website Hacks is Best for Your Business

Prevention for Website Hacks is Best for Your Business

The possibility of having your website hacked is a scary thing, but FireSpike stays on top of industry news to keep our clients safe. In reviewing Google's Website Security report for 2016 the Firespike team noted our own work of Google's listed known hacks, and...

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