The last few months I have been busy with surgeries and recovery. Which, by the way, my doctor is happy with the healing progress and I will only need monthly check-ups (with telescopic laryngoscopy) until my scar tissue fully heals.
With a return to normality my house has been getting ready for winter and the holidays. Which includes the annual “placing of the antlers” on the dogs. Jene has accepted the Christmas antlers in past years but this year Miko was chosen! The antlers were on for about 10 seconds.
The last leaves have finally fallen from our oak tree and so in preparation for winter, raking has commenced. Only hindered by 2 fur babies who think rakes are big toys to try and catch.
However, leaf piles were Jene’s new favorite toy and she decided to claim the biggest pile for herself! It was a bed and a wiggle pile! Miko played with loose leaves and looked haughtily upon her younger sister in the leaf pile, knowing she was not dirtying herself with all those leaves.
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